Saturday 5 March 2016

D+226 - "Inside* "

Back in hospital again, anything to get out of a Mothering Sunday party at Charlotte and Stewart's!!

Spiked a temperature of 39C during Thursday night and ended up ringing the 24hr haematology emergency line and being admitted.  Had an armful of bloods, chest X-ray and swabs from various parts of my anatomy yesterday and have just learnt that there is a bug in my blood stream - a gram negative rod for those with a clinical background - so this is the cause of the pyrexia and and also explains why I keep dropping my BP.  Systolic this morning was 85mmHg.  My IV antibiotics are being changed so hopefully I'll feel much better within a day or two.

Till then I'm stuck in here with my temperature going up and down like a yoyo. My concentration is not great but I've managed to read a chunk of Little Dorrit. Dickens has great fun poking fun at self important people, bankers, snobs, the rich and above all government ministries.

The Circumlocution Office is a wonderful invention. Run by a family called Barnacle it is designed to slow down the ship of state and bring it to a complete halt whenever possible.

Its purpose is is to teach everyone in government 'the one sublime principle' of government, 'how not to do it'.  It has its finger in 'the largest public pie and the smallest public tart' and as Dickens says everything has to pass through the Circumlocution Office except those matters which disappear into the Office and never come out again. The other family involved in running the Office are the Stiltstalking family.  As yet I haven't managed to work out why he chose this name for them other than that people on stilts can walk around head and shoulders above the rest of us and feel very superior as a result, any better suggestions anyone?

*Sting "Sacred Love" track 1 and also Jethro Tull "Benefit" track 8

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