Wednesday 10 February 2016

D+202 - "I'm Still Standing* "

The angiogram on 1st of February went very well. It took about an hour and as is normal I was awake during the procedure. The upshot is that the consultant put two stents into a coronary artery (the LAD for those interested) and that seems to have largely stopped the breathlessness. The angina has gone away and when I exercise the limiting factor is my lack of fitness rather than chest symptoms.

Yesterday Karine & I went for a walk with one of my former partners (GP partner that is!) in Wollaton park in Nottingham and managed a complete circuit without a problem, something that was impossible two weeks ago. The weather was glorious, a cold crisp sunny winter's day.

Meanwhile weekly visits to the haematology stem cell transplant clinic continue. One of the immunosuppressant drugs has been reduced a little further last week. Unfortunately my GI tract doesn't like this so I'm not sure where we going from here. This same drug is upsetting my kidneys as well as damping down the stem cell graft so there are good reasons for reducing the dose.  It's back to clinic tomorrow for blood tests and then to see Prof.

This Sunday afternoon is the concert in aid of the Nottingham Maggie's Centre. The Milner Quartet (named after my mum) are playing Haydn's the Lark quartet and Dvorak's American quartet plus a lighthearted piece of words and music put together by my sister and brother-in-law recounting our 'adventures' with Leukaemia. The concert is at 3pm at St Marks Church Hall, de Vere Gardens, Woodthorpe, NG5 4PH. There will be refreshments during the interval.

* Elton John, Too Low for Zero, second track

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