Wednesday 27 January 2016

D+188 - "Hearts and Bones* "

Well, I've had the pre-op heart check up, ECG BP and some questions so it's now just a matter of waiting for next Monday's angiogram to see what they find.  I'll probably have one night in hospital and be thrown out next Tuesday - a new man!

Monday morning was busy.  After Cardiology we had an hour at the Maggie's Centre before it was time for a visit to haematology and a routine three monthly bone marrow aspirate - ouch!   With a bit of luck we'll get the result at Thursday's weekly clinic visit (tomorrow morning).  More waiting!

The GvHD is still playing up despite doubling the ciclosporin last week.  I'm not sure how quickly it should work but I was expecting it to have done something by now so it is over to Prof tomorrow.  It looks like the steroids may need increasing  :-(

Karine has been selling tickets for the concert on February 14th, see the blog of 4th January for full details.  There is still plenty more to sell and all the money goes to the Nottingham Maggie's Centre at the City Hospital.  Please do come if you can, it should be a lovely afternoon including some homemade Valentine's day refreshments!

* Paul Simon - 1983 album of the same name

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