Monday 14 September 2015

D+53 - "Keep on Running* "

Yesterday Alexi & Lucy did the Great North Run half marathon along with about 57,000 other people. Their time was 2hr 10mins. Being 'non runners'  they had hoped to do it in 2hrs 30mins so were thrilled with their actual time.

So far they've raised £2,491 which together with the Gift Aid and less the 5% that JustGiving charge amounts to about £2,880 for 'Bloodwise' (Formerly Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research) which is a fantastic result. Karine and I are very proud of them. The JustGiving page is still open!!

Meanwhile I continue to slowly improve.  Some of the less important but unpleasant and/or irritating symptoms are beginning to lessen a little.  They are not serious but there are a lot of them and they don't do my quality of life any good.  Apart from my pancreas and my joints I think every part of me and every system in the body is upset in some way!

The main immediate trouble is deafness which is quite a problem.  The radio is completely out and subtitles on the TV are a necessity.  Over the weekend I developed an infection in the left ear so have been to the doctor this morning and got some drops.  It's just one thing after another.

Still the important things are coming right, blood results etc. Also my stamina is improving.  I'm up to 6 km on the exercise bike albeit not very quickly because of tachycardia, my weight has started to creep up at last, about half a kilo in the last week or two and my appetite is a little better though food still tastes very bizarre and sometimes quite unpleasant.

Our first trip out of Nottingham last Saturday was to see my sister and was marvellous but all too brief and tiring but it was great just to be out and about a little.  Karine did the driving thank goodness.  I haven't driven since mid April.

Next Time: Hoping to have the MRD results from the Bone Marrow Aspirate this coming Thursday.

* Spencer Davis Group, written by Steve Winwood

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