Sunday 14 August 2016

D+12 months - "Love Needs a Heart" *

Haematology-wise things are looking pretty good.  The GvHD is back under control, the steroid dose is coming down again - prednisolone 3mg currently - I'm in remission, haemoglobin should be rising with the EPO injections and apart from a load of residual side effects from last year's chemotherapy there are no real problems. The 'residual side effects' are just a bunch of unpleasant nuisances.

However the fatigue is gettting worse and I'm needing a rest most afternoons, something I haven't needed for many months.  Going upstairs makes me SOB.  The upshot is Karine took me along to the GP last week and the result is a referral back to cardiology.  When they fitted a pair of stents in February they noted a couple of other arteries with some narrowing so maybe one of these has narrowed some more or perhaps one of the stents is in trouble - ODTAA - 'one darn thing after another'!

*Jackson  Browne from his superlative 1977 album "Running on Empty" - track 7

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