Saturday 9 July 2016

D+352 - "So I'll continue to continue to pretend that my life will never end" *

Just a quick update, no clinic this week so no change in treatment.  The reduction in Prednisolone twelve days ago has been uneventful thank goodness so hopefully come next Thursday's clinic it'll be dropped down to 1mg daily.

My Achilles tendon feels much less vulnerable and is gradually settling.  Karine & I have done a couple of very short walks this week without incident and I have started using the exercise bike again albeit only in short bursts - my leg muscles feel incredibly weak after 4-5 weeks of enforced rest. Karine's back has more or less settled down though her neck still gives her trouble so we both feel much less constrained by our various maladies.

With this new born optimism we have planned brief trips to Newcastle, Portsmouth, London and Norfolk in the coming weeks.  If all goes well we will try and get away in the autumn as well. However we had similar ideas last autumn and then everything went pear shaped, GvHD, IHD, septicaemia etc etc.

This weekend we are celebrating the day we met 40 years ago on Sunday.  We've planned a barbecue with some friends!  Currently the sky is very dark with low cloud and the rain is coming down in torrents but this being England it could change in the next five minutes - or not!

I seem to be living my life all over again or perhaps I'm just regressing!  I am gradually coming off the 'pregnancy diet' which I've been on for the past year or so.  Now that the pregnancy is coming to an end it turns out that the new baby is me!  This week a letter arrived from the hospital asking me to see the GP and start a programme of vaccinations, the full set  of infant jabs from Dip/Tet/Polio/Whooping Cough through Hib, Pneumococcus and Meningococcus to MMR.  Having gone from pregnancy to babyhood, the next stop will be a preschool booster and then Key Stage one and Sats!

Paul Simon - a line from "The Flowers Never Bend with the Rainfall" track 11 on the 1965 album "The Paul Simon Songbook".

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