Tuesday 5 April 2016

D+257 - "the days are long, the years are short* "

It's been decided that I should have ten days of IV antibiotics so I'm in hospital till Thursday - two days time.  I'm being allowed out during the day but have to be here for the three times a day antibiotics, for the phlebotomist and for the Drs.  There is lots of hanging around and much boredom.

I spend my time reading, listening to Radio 4, sleeping, chatting with other patients (I'm the only non-urology patient on the ward as far as I know) and talking on the phone.  Karine organised internet access which has been a lifesaver.  Haematology patients have access because we all tend to have extended stays in hospital and quite long periods of isolation.  This is funded by a haematology voluntary support group and I am very grateful to them.

It was Charlotte's birthday yesterday and Alexi and Lucy came down from Newcastle at the weekend partly for a celebration that Lucy's family were having and partly to see us.  Karine and I had a great time on Sunday playing in the garden with Bethany and Eden, Charlotte and Stewart and Alexi & Lucy all afternoon - a precious time together.

* Saying amongst junior doctors quoted by the late Dr Paul Kalanithi in his book "When Breath Becomes Air"

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